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Displaying 181 - 190 of 411 publications

Concerns about climate change have required energy policy to be reconsidered around the world. The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy has the potential to contribute significantly to the…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

There is an ongoing reform in coal taxation in China, from a quantity-based to a price-based approach. While the coal tax could play an important role in resource conservation and air pollution…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Until recently, women have not been seen as having the potential for entrepreneurial success. Yet women’s engagement in the energy sector could substantially improve energy access for those most…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

Vietnam’s electricity consumption has increased more than 20 times over the last 3 decades. As a consequence of the low energy price policy, the demand for electricity in both the residential and…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Evidence from south-central Chile shows that the concentration limits for PM10 and PM2.5, defined by both the World Health Organization and national standards, are systematically exceeded, affecting…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Energy subsidies cost Ecuador 7% of its public budget, or two thirds of the fiscal deficit. Removing these subsidies would yield local economic and environmental benefits and help implement climate…

| Peer Reviewed |

This study investigates local residents’ attitudes toward shale gas exploitation in China through interviews of 730 residents of Sichuan Province and explores determinants of their support or…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study investigated the effects of relative pricing of alternative cooking energy sources on their substitution. The study was conducted in Enugu State Nigeria using primary data collected from…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Renewable energy (RE) has a strong synergy with some of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), thus its successful deployment can potentially result in an impact on these SDGs. In this study, we…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Malaysia has pledged to reduce carbon emissions by 45% in year 2030 and to attain a completely carbon neutral status by year 2050. For those purposes, substantial measures and policies have been…

| Peer Reviewed |