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Displaying 1751 - 1760 of 2384 publications

Given the considerable popularity of community-based wildlife management as a conservation tool, it is of interest to assess the long-run sustainability of this policy not only in conservation terms…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper derives Pareto-efficient provision rules for national and global public goods in a two-country world, where each individual cares about his or her relative consumption of private goods…

| Peer Reviewed |

On 31 March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on the impacts of climate change on humans and ecosystems ( see These are real risks…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper concerns optimal redistributive non-linear income taxation in an OLG model, where people care about their own consumption relative to (i) other people's current consumption, (ii) own past…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Although the financial and economic crises have diverted attention from global and local environmental threats and natural resources management issues in developing and developed economies…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Biogas as a technology and the factors that affect its productivity have both been well studied. Research has previously been done to look at the impact of temperature, pH, organic loading rate…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

In this paper, after a review of the evolution of the literature on climate change economics in agriculture, I present some evidence of the impact of different moments of the distribution of rainfall…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

This study investigates the impact of climate change adaptation on farm households’ downside risk exposure in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia. The analysis relies on a moment-based specification of the…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

This paper analyses the role of institutional isolation on crop productivity in Kenya using household survey data. The study is based on the theory of agricultural household models and the sustainable…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Cities around the world generate substantial quantities of municipal solid waste, including organic residues. These organic residues can be managed productively and given value, or they can simply be…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia