Displaying 1671 - 1680 of 3650 publications

We obtain rich measures of the risk preferences of a sample of Vietnamese farmers, and revisit the link between risk preferences and economic well-being. Far from being particularly risk averse, our…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

This study aimed at examining the effect of crop commercialisation on rural households’ poverty in Tanzania. The household survey data was collected from a sample of 389 rural households…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

We study the welfare and energy poverty implications of energy price change scenarios in Indonesia. Our analysis extends previous analyses of energy price impacts at the household level in three ways…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

The aim of this paper is to study the association between weather shocks (droughts and floods) and agricultural market performance in Mozambique. To do so, we employ a dyadic regression analysis on…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

The rapidly growing construction sector in India has a large resource foot print but can offer a vast potential to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Greening the building sector is feasible…

| Peer Reviewed | India

We evaluate the impact of collaborative management agreements (CMAs) designed to protect forests and raise incomes for smallholders living adjacent to Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP), Uganda…

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

This paper reviews the experience of a for-profit firm in Rwanda promoting biomass pellets and a fan micro-gasification improved cookstove as a clean cooking alternative to charcoal. Consumers…

| Peer Reviewed |

In this paper we show that local redistribution of educational resources via teacher transfers between neighboring public schools can improve equity in access to teachers. Transfers from teacher…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Replacing all oil boilers with renewable energy technologies by 2035 is part of the national energy strategy 2050 in Denmark. Individual heating is supposed to supply around one-fourth of the total…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam