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Displaying 1 - 10 of 256 publications

As the world’s largest producer of fish, China has faced significant challenges in developing its fisheries. Over the past four decades, China has implemented and adjusted multiple regulations and…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

The non-food segment of the Chinese seaweed market, which is crucial for developing the hydrocolloid industry, relies heavily on the seaweed supply from Chile, Peru, and, to a much lesser extent…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Abstract Aquaculture is a rapidly growing food production technology, but significant concerns are related to its environmental impact and adverse social effects. We examine aquaculture outcomes in a…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria, Chile, Sweden, Tanzania, Global Hub

This study examines the role of small-scale fisheries in Vietnam in promoting food security and alleviating poverty within fishing households and the potential of fisheries management measures to...

| EfD Discussion Paper | Vietnam

Research questions: What is the contribution of small-scale fisheries in Vietnam in promoting food security and alleviating poverty among fishing households? What potential do fisheries management…

| Research Brief | Vietnam

Questions: 1. Is tilapia production in Huila a sustainable endeavor from the Triple Bottom Line (Economic, Social, Environmental) perspective? 2. Are there any significant differences in…

| Research Brief | Colombia

Abstract Reaching a production level of 200,000 tons (live weight) in 2022, the tilapia industry has emerged as the most important finfish farming sector in Colombia. Located in the southwest of the…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Colombia

Coastal ecosystems and human communities are threatened worldwide by climate change, and shocks from social, market and political change. There is an urgent global need to promote resilient food…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

It is well established in the empirical literature that people care about relative status or positionality. Hence, any policy that makes someone better off imposes a negative externality on their…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

According to Chilean legislation, a salmonid concession holder must choose between two mutually exclusive stocking density systems: Stocking Reduction Percentage (SRP) or Stocking by Density. This…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile