Displaying 2001 - 2010 of 3739 publications

Adaptation Plan for the energy sector: participative methods for developing countries

| Other Publications | Colombia

Goal 2017: Global shrimp production review and forecast

| Other Publications | Colombia

Un modelo estructural consistente con la teoría de la utilidad se usó para derivar funciones de demanda de agua para uso residencial urbano en la ciudad de Manizales, Colombia. Características del…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Based on a framed field experiment, we investigate the trade-off between conservation and equity in the use of payments for environmental services (PES). We compare the effects of two PES schemes that…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Given its ability to yield predictions for very diverse phenomena based only on two parameters—body size and temperature—the Metabolic Theory of Ecology (MTE) has earned a prominent place among…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

After more than 50-years of armed conflict, Colombia is now transitioning to a more stable social and political climate due to a series of peace agreements between the government and different armed…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Private investments to address environmental issues are perceived as a powerful engine of sustainability. For the agri-food sector, multiple instruments have been developed to green supply chains. Yet…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

The energy matrix is a useful tool for understanding the trends of production and consumption in a country and for evaluating long-term energy policies. This paper presents a behavioral simulation…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

In the developing world, collective land titling has become an important tool for recognizing the historical presence of ethnic communities and safeguarding their rights to occupy and manage their…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Globally, there is an increasing level of funding targeted to pay farmers and rural communities for the provision of ecosystem services, for example through Payments for Ecosystem or Environmental…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia