Displaying 1141 - 1150 of 3669 publications

Climate change could potential have significant impacts on the global tourism industry through changes in accessibility, comfort levels, and geographic or seasonal changes to attractions. Global and…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Abstract Agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa faces a multitude of challenges arising from land degradation, climate change, and limited access to improved technology. In this context…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Tanzania

Every year after the rice harvest, some 2.5 million farmers in northwest India burn the remaining stubble to prepare their fields for the subsequent wheat crop. Crop residue burning causes massive air…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract We conduct a natural field experiment on the effect of having a celebrity endorse an information campaign aiming to induce pro-environmental behavior in the context of single-use plastics…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Vietnam, Sweden, Central America

Abstract Over a billion people lack access to electricity, instead relying on kerosene and other dirty lighting sources, while grid expansion is not expected to keep pace with population growth…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

Key Points Shale gas can meet a substantial portion of China’s gas demand. Shale gas development in China is financially viable. Competitive market and advanced technologies can accelerate shale gas…

| Research Brief | China

The triple-bottom-line (TBL) approach defines successful fisheries as those which are ecologically sustainable, capable of generating profits to fishermen, and socially accepted. This approach has…

| Research Brief | Colombia

It is widely believed that forests help improve water quality by reducing soil erosion (and hence reducing silt) as well as filtering out nutrients and pollutants carried in water, which allows the…

| Research Brief | China

The household heating energy transition program in China has led to a sharp increase in household heating costs and has exacerbated energy poverty (high ratios of energy expenditure to income). This…

| Research Brief | China