Still Waters Run Deep: Groundwater Contamination and Education Outcomes in India

Peer Reviewed
1 June 2024

Economics of Education Review

The study examines how groundwater contamination affects educational outcomes in India, focusing on survey data from public schools in Assam, a region with significant contamination. The findings indicate that prolonged exposure to unsafe groundwater leads to higher absenteeism, grade retention, and lower test scores and CGPA.

Khushboo Aggarwal, Rashmi Barua, Marian Vidal-Fernandez

This study investigates the impact of groundwater contamination on educational outcomes in India, using variations in the geographical coverage and timing of safe government piped water schemes. The study is based on survey data from public schools in Assam, one of India’s most groundwater-contaminated regions. It is found that prolonged exposure to unsafe groundwater is linked to increased absenteeism, grade retention, and lower test scores and CGPA. Additionally, the researchers use a nationally representative household survey to study the effect of arsenic contamination. By using soil texture variations as an instrument for arsenic levels, they find that exposure beyond safe thresholds is negatively associated with school attendance.

EfD Authors
Publication reference
Publication | 25 September 2024