Photo: Forestland under the Natural Forest Protection Program Source: Authors’ fieldwork.
Forestland under the Natural Forest Protection Program. Photo: Authors’ fieldwork.

A regression discontinuity assessment of the differential impacts of China’s Natural Forest Protection Program across forestland property right regimes

EfD Discussion Paper
1 August 2024

China’s Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) is the country’s flagship program for forest conservation and restoration. The program primarily targets state-owned forestland but has also enrolled large areas of semi-private forestland held by village households. Our statistical analyses find that the NFPP has a moderately positive effect on forest cover, especially on forestland held by village households.

Qi Liu, Shilei Liu, Zhaoyang Liu, Jintao Xu, Andreas Kontoleon


This study examines the impact of China’s Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) on forest cover in four Chinese provinces. The NFPP represents one of the world’s largest-scale forest conservation/restoration programs in terms of its sheer budget size and geographical coverage. Understanding the heterogeneous impact of the policy on different landowners is important to evaluating its viability and success. This paper presents the first rigorous assessment of the program’s performance by comparing its impacts on forestland held by state-owned forest enterprises (SOFEs) and village collectives. We use the spatial regression discontinuity approach to better identify the impact caused by the program per se, rather than by other possible correlated confounding factors. Our results find that the NFPP has a moderately positive effect on forest cover on average over both types of forestland holders. Moreover, we find that the program has a greater positive effect on collective forests than on state forests, even though the program’s financial support for the former is not as strong as that for the latter. Our empirical findings provide unique insights that contribute to the highly controversial and ongoing debate on property rights reform of China’s state-owned forests. 

Keywords: Forest conservation and restoration, China’s Natural Forest Protection Program, policy impact evaluation, forestland property right regimes, spatial regression discontinuity. 

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Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
EfD Discussion Paper DP 24-10
Publication | 12 August 2024