Land tenure reforms and Investment in Tanzania

Thesis MSC

Using cross sectional data obtained from the first wave of the National Panel Survey Data; this study attempts to examine empirically two issues; first the influence of land tenure reforms on sustainability of land management; second, the influence of land tenure on land investment (trees plantation).

The econometric analysis of the study indicates that probability of planting trees increases with ownership of land implying that if someone owns land increases the incentive for planting trees because farmers are able to realize the benefits of trees from plantations that occur over time. The analysis further shows that, it is not only land ownership that influences the probability of planting trees but also other factors (such as distance from plot to home/market; slope of the plot; and organic fertilizers as well as pesticide) which implies that issues of land investment for sustainable land management have to consider both factors for it to have meaningful impacts.

The study suggest that, major changes in land conservation investments will require attention to all these factors because no single factor can be used as a major factor to influence policy instruments. In this sense all factors (land ownership, characteristics of the plot like slope and distance where the plot is located, and also agriculture inputs like fertilizers and pesticide) have to be taken into account for land conservation investment and sustainable land management.

Sustainable Development Goals
Publication | 29 October 2014