Displaying 31 - 40 of 180 publications

A long history of empirical research has focused on testing whether and when household consumption and production decisions are separable. The underlying premise is that if markets were perfect…

| Other Publications | India

Abstract The global output of food staples is far more stable than most individual nations' outputs, but does this lead to consumption risk sharing? This paper applies tools from the risk sharing…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Traditional discussions of the relationships between energy, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and human development fail to expose within country energy and CO2 emissions inequality. This work seeks to…

| Peer Reviewed | India

WE find that construction of toilets reduces sexual assaults on women, but do not discern consistent changes in rapes. Our findings for sexual assaults are robust to a variety of controls...

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract In developing countries where medical infrastructure, service delivery systems, and the markets for health insurance are underdeveloped, one important mechanism to cope with the consequences…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Many cities in developing countries lack adequate drainage and waste management infrastructure. Consequently, city residents face economic and health impacts from flooding and waterlogging, which are…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Local ecological knowledge provides novel, detailed and context-specific information about human and non-human use of marine ecosystems, therefore incorporating this knowledge into marine conservation…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Renewables are cheaper than coal power in India.
New research shows that this is true even after accounting for the intermittency of renewables due to the high pollution from coal that causes disease...

| Peer Reviewed | India