Displaying 51 - 60 of 291 publications

Abstract Addressing inequality is recognized as a worldwide development objective. The literature has primarily focused on examining economic or social inequality, but rarely on environmental…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract This paper analyzes the extent to which two factors—social networks and the severity of the scarcity of a common property resource—affect norm-complying behavior that favors cooperation. It…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs exist globally and at times shift behaviors. Unlike protected areas, PES compensate land users, raising local acceptance of conservation. Yet…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract Financial advisers recommend a diverse portfolio to respond to market fluctuations across sectors. Similarly, nature has evolved a diverse portfolio of species to maintain ecosystem function…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract The authors adapted a lab-in-the-field experiment emulating the dynamic extraction of a fishery to create a Web-based classroom experiment. The game includes a multi-player version analogous…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Recent studies have shown a relationship between air pollution and increased vulnerability and mortality due to COVID-19. Most of these studies have looked at developed countries. This study examines…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia, Global Hub

This paper addresses the current status and future research and development perspectives associated with technologies to harness offshore renewable energy, including offshore wind, waves, tides, ocean…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

An overview of environmental policy in Brazil since President Jair Bolsonaro took office in January 2019 suggests that the rise to power of a new political elite has led to a radical change in Brazil…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract In cities around the world, COVID-19 lockdowns have significantly improved outdoor air quality. Even if only temporary, these improvements could have longer-lasting effects by making chronic…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia, Central America

We study how individuals’ effort contribution to a team production task varies depending on whether the task is ego relevant or not. We conduct an experiment to test the effect of ego-relevance when…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia