Displaying 61 - 70 of 327 publications

Many countries have implemented policies to tackle climate change, with Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) being one of the foremost attempts. Under such schemes, firms receive emission allowances. The…

| Research Brief | China

Resource scarcity has become an increasingly pressing challenge to the world. How scarcity affects people’s preferences and behavior has been taken as an important issue for development. This study…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Abstract This study investigates the nexus between urban air pollution and residents’ preferences for greenspace. The two environmental issues could be linked through people’s general tastes for…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Key Points Shale gas can meet a substantial portion of China’s gas demand. Shale gas development in China is financially viable. Competitive market and advanced technologies can accelerate shale gas…

| Research Brief | China

It is widely believed that forests help improve water quality by reducing soil erosion (and hence reducing silt) as well as filtering out nutrients and pollutants carried in water, which allows the…

| Research Brief | China

The household heating energy transition program in China has led to a sharp increase in household heating costs and has exacerbated energy poverty (high ratios of energy expenditure to income). This…

| Research Brief | China

As an industry intensively using fossil fuel, the power sector is naturally a focus of efforts to slow climate change. In March 2015, China started the third round of power sector reform with the…

| Research Brief | China

To encourage sustainable use of forests, in 2003 China allowed rural villages to choose among a range of options to manage forests, including individual user rights with joint management. We studied…

| Research Brief | China

This paper uses Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs) to compare nine Chinese fisheries in terms of their triple bottom line (ecological, economic, and community sustainability) with the top 10%…

| Peer Reviewed | China