Assessing protected area vulnerability to climate change in a case study of South African national parks

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on

Climate change is challenging the ability of protected areas (PAs) to meet their objectives. To improve PA planning, we developed a framework for assessing PA vulnerability to climate change based on consideration of potential climate change impacts on species and their habitats and resource use. Furthermore, the capacity of PAs to adapt to these climate threats was determined through assessment of PA management effectiveness, adjacent land use, and financial resilience. Users reach a PA-specific vulnerability score and rank based on scoring of these categories.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land

“Building long-term relationships with policymakers is the biggest challenge”

Twenty researchers from the Global South who obtained their doctor’s degree five years ago or less are participating in the EfD’s Early Career Fellowship program. The purpose of the program is to…

EEU Seminar - Théo Konc

The next speaker in the EEU seminar series is Théo Konc. Théo is currently doing a post-doc at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research ( website). On Monday, 12.05-13.00 (Stockholm time)…

Date: Monday 13 June — Monday 13 June, 2022
Location: B44 and Zoom