Behavioral Economics – Policy Impact and Future Directions

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Behavioral economics - a field based in collaborations among economists and psychologists - focuses on integrating a nuanced understanding of behavior into models of decision-making. Since the mid-20th century, this growing field has produced research in numerous domains and has influenced policymaking, research, and marketing. However, little has been done to assess these contributions and review evidence of their use in the policy arena.

Policy Design

Africa Fellows in Education Program 2023/2024.

The Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) has launched a new call for applications for the Africa Fellows in Education Program 2023/2024.

This initiative aims to build a group of African-based leaders capable of developing evidence and shaping educational policies that are relevant to their countries.

The program enables the fellows to participate in a two-year research and policy development fellowship that introduces them both to relevant research and analytical experiences and to international networks of researchers and policy advisers. 

How can organisations in developing countries support waste pickers for increased recycling in low-income communities? A South African product responsibility organisation uses subsidies and administrative support in a business model approach

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Key Points 

  • Recycling can be promoted in low-income communities through a business model framework 
  • Business models for recycling efforts in low-income communities need financial and administrative support for sustainability in the short to medium term. 
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to such a business model framework. The model must be adapted to fit the community’s needs 