Ethiopia - The Emerging Power Hub

Ethiopia is becoming the emerging power hub in East Africa in hope of meeting its growing energy requirements and exporting its surplus to the region. Currently the country is using only about 3% of…

| Energy | Ethiopia

Stove Exchange Program in Temuco

The Nucleus on Environmental and Resource Economics (NENRE) at Concepción has developed a strong line of research on the problem of using economic incentives for controlling air pollution in the urban…

| Policy Design | Chile

New Project on Artisanal Fishery in Chile

The EfD center in Chile, Research Nucleus on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics – Universidad de Concepción, is currently developing a research project on the Artisanal Sardine and Anchovies…

| Fisheries | Chile

Hunter Lenihan in Concepción

Professor Hunter Lenihan from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), visited the EfD Center at Concepcion. Professor Lenihan is a…

| Fisheries | Chile

Water Crisis in Rwanda

As a follow up to her recently published PhD thesis Claudine Uwera gives an interview to the French Science magazine “ SciDev.Net” and debates against the Deputy Director of the Energy and Water…

| Water | Sweden

Thomas Sterner visits Arizona State University

Thomas Sterner, Senior Research Fellow of EfD and Professor of Economics at Gothenburg University, visited Arizona State University in Phenix, Friday, Oct. 11 to give a public lecture on “Carbon Tax…

| Sweden