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Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics of the NENRE, Chile

Event Information

Termas de Chillán


Marcela Alveal
+56 41 220 4503
Event type

The objective of the workshop was to develop a scientific discussion in which we can think about the state of the art in Natural Resource Economics and the Environment in Chile.

Specialists, who are actively working in the area, were invited to share their research with other specialists, generating an academic exchange from which new research ideas can be generated and possibilities for future collaboration can be explored.

The matters addressed and that are planned for the future are relevant to the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies for environmental protection and natural resources. It was very important to incorporate the professionals responsible for designing and implementing regulations from the State. They face the practical problems of managing natural and environmental resources every day. For this reason we invited professionals from different public institutions directly linked to the regulation of natural resources and environmental protection to actively participate in the workshop. At the same time we scheduled contributed sessions where academics and practitioners working in government offices can discuss their progress in research and design of public policy relevant in the national context. Additionally, as a way to facilitate dialogue between regulators and academic professionals, this year we organized a course on the impact assessment of programs for environmental protection and management of marine resources oriented professionals from various agencies. Finally, young researchers presented their research projects and obtained feedback and information for their current and future work.

The workshop also included the participation of international researchers. We were pleased to have the presence of teachers:

  • Yonas Alem, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Ragnar Arnason, University of Iceland, Iceland.
  • Håkan Eggert, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Gunnar Köhlin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • John Stranlund, University of Massachusetts, United States.

Professor Stranlund is senior adviser to the Nucleus and Professor Gunnar Köhlin is Director of the Environment for Development (EfD) initiative, which has recently joined the Nucleus. An important part of the work of the Nucleus is to develop links with institutions in other countries to promote the level of research developed reach the highest standards .

We acknowledge the support received in organizing this workshop. Financial support was obtained from the Millennium Science Initiative, University of Concepción, and the Ministry of Environment. We have also received the patronage of the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture Government of Chile. Moreover, the organization of the event has enjoyed the cooperation of the management team of the Department of Economics and Master Programs in Economics from the University of Concepción, as well as master's students and Commercial Engineering from the University of Concepción. To all of them goes our sincere thanks.

We have chosen Termas de Chillán to host this third version of the workshop because, in this beautiful place, its participants were able to focus on their work and presentations, away from their daily activities. At the same time this served as a good opportunity to enjoy the facilities offered by this site, and appreciate the beautiful surroundings.

Event | 14 March 2014