Special Issue on “Challenges for the development of Latin America in the Anthropocene: current research in environmental economics”

Event Information

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Environment and Development Economics seeks to publish a special issue on challenges for the development of Latin America in the Anthropocene: current research in environmental economics. The aim of this special issue is to help identify research opportunities and the knowledge gaps that need to be filled to contribute to the design and implementation of policies in Latin America that are both environmentally and economically sound. The issue will be guest edited by Marcelo Caffera and Alejandro López-Feldman. 

Latin America faces several environmental challenges, such as increased vulnerability to climate change, loss of biodiversity and urban air pollution. While effective environmental policies are essential to address these challenges, limited political opportunities hinder their implementation. The current social discontent and legitimate demands for short-term employment recovery could further sideline environmental policies. In this context, the use of economic tools that can help evaluate the relative effectiveness of different policies, as well as economic instruments that can help regulators design cost-effective environmental policies, are of the utmost importance. 

We are interested in both applied and theoretical papers that provide answers to key environmental and resource management issues in one or more Latin American countries. The call will consider, but will not be limited to, studies that analyze the impacts of climate change; biodiversity loss; the future impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on trade in the region; the political economy of carbon taxes or tradable permits in Latin America; experiences with different economic instruments; impact evaluation studies of environmental policies; and the relationship between health and the environment in the region. 

Submission Guidelines: Papers should be submitted by 31 January 2024 at the latest. Early submissions are encouraged and will be processed immediately. Papers will undergo the normal refereeing process. The quality of the paper and the extent to which it fits the focus of the special issue are the criteria for acceptance. 

Submissions should be made online at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ede. During the first step of the submission process, in the “Special Issue” field, authors should select “Latin America”. Authors should also indicate in their cover letter that the manuscript is for the “Challenges for the development of Latin America in the Anthropocene: current research in environmental economics” Special Issue. 

Instructions for contributors can be found here. 

For further information, authors should contact the Guest Editors at the emails below. Marcelo Caffera 

Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Universidad de Montevideo 


Alejandro López Feldman 

Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg and División de Economía, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas 


Event | 24 May 2023