REPRC trains researchers on impact evaluation and causal inference for environment and development interventions

Event Information

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria


Dr Nnaemeka Chukwuone
Event type

The Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REPRC - EFD Nigeria) organized a short virtual course on “Impact Evaluation and Causal Inference for Environment and Development and Development Interventions” for academics, graduate students of the University of Nigeria Nsukka.


The training, held from September 14-22, 2020, was also attended by Research Fellows of EfD Nigeria.

 Dr. Yonas Alem of the University of Gothenburg anchored the training. The course provided an overview of impact evaluation methodologies and their application to environment and development interventions.


It also guided the participants on a conceptual discussion of the pathways through which such interventions could affect socio-economic outcomes.  The course equally explored the potential for and applications of randomized experimental approaches to address issues of endogeneity and make causal inferences.

It also discussed quasi-experimental approaches to measure the impact of interventions, such as difference-in-differences, propensity score matching and instrumental variables, as well as regression discontinuity designs.


Dr Nnaemeka Chukwuone, the Director of EfD Nigeria, said that the course was one of the capacity development courses planned for the year. “The aim is to strengthen the capacity of researchers and postgraduate students on impact evaluation research”. Dr Nnaemaka Chukwuone, who coordinated the training said.  He thanked Dr Yonas Alem for finding time to train the researchers.


Dr Alem on his part congratulated the participants for being good students and promised to offer more courses in the future to the graduate students and research fellows at the Centre if time permits.

Event | 19 March 2021