Call for Submissions: EfD (Inaugural) Gender Analysis Award

Event Information



Mintewab Bezabih
Event type

The Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) is pleased to announce the call for submissions for our Gender Analysis Award, recognizing exemplary work in integrating gender analysis within quantitative social science research. This award celebrates and encourages innovative research that deepens our understanding of gender dynamics and their implications for environmental and development issues.

Award criteria and submission guidelines

A strong gender analysis in a quantitative social science research paper should meet the following criteria:

Incorporation of gender as a central analytical category

  • The research should explicitly state how gender is integrated into the analytical framework.
  • Gender differences and inequalities should be clearly examined and articulated within the context of the study’s objectives.

Robust methodological approach

  • Utilization of appropriate quantitative methods to explore and analyze gender-related data.
  • Clear explanation of how the methodologies used capture gender-specific outcomes and insights.

Intersectional analysis

  • Inclusion of intersectionality, considering how gender intersects with other social categories such as race, class, age, and ethnicity.
  • Analysis should highlight the compounded effects of overlapping identities and social positions on the research subject.

Data quality and relevance

  • Use of high-quality, gender-disaggregated data which is relevant to the research question.
  • Clear discussion on the sources of data, sampling methods, and how gender-specific variables are measured.

Policy implications

  • Insightful discussion on how findings can inform, and influence policies or interventions aimed at reducing gender inequalities.
  • Practical recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, or stakeholders based on the research outcomes.

Originality and contribution to existing literature

  • The research should provide fresh insights and significantly contribute to the existing body of gender analysis literature.
  • Originality in methodological approach, hypotheses, or perspectives is highly valued.

Submission process

Eligibility: The award is open to researchers at any stage of their career, from early-career scholars to established academics, who have produced outstanding quantitative social science research with a strong gender analysis component.

Submission Requirements

A full research paper (not exceeding 10,000 words).
An abstract summarizing the key findings (300 words).

Deadline: All submissions must be received by 15 September 2024.

How to Submit: Please submit your research paper to Mintewab Bezabih  with the subject line "Gender Analysis Award Submission."

We look forward to your contributions and thank you for your commitment to advancing gender equity through impactful research!

Event | 27 August 2024