Call for Applications EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School

Event Information

Venice, Italy

EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School: "The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change" takes place on 6-12 July 2014, Venice, Italy. Call for Applications' deadline is February 1st, 2014.

There is no doubt that both adaptation and mitigation will be necessary to reduce the impact of anthropogenic global warming on the economy. The objective of the School is to provide tools and methods to understand how economists frame the problem of adaptation to climate change. The lectures will start with an introduction to the theory of adaptation to climate change and will then focus on specific sectors or impacts – tropical cyclones, agriculture, forestry and ecosystems, water. Two final lectures will introduce the use of integrated assessment modeling tools to study optimal adaptation to climate change.

The Summer School is aimed at Ph.D. students that are already writing a thesis on the economics of adaptation to climate change and want to engage into a highly interactive exchange with experts in the field. Students will be asked to present an advanced version of their research work and will receive valuable feedback from fellow students and from the School professors. Students will also be assigned a tutor that will provide individual feedback during consultation time.

Read more about the course and application here 

Event | 13 November 2013