EfD Collaborative Program Committee

An important advantage of EfD is its infrastructure for cultivating cross-country research and policy-analysis collaboration, especially South-South cooperative work. EfD researchers work in cross-country teams to produce high-impact policy research for several countries, drawing on each other’s perspectives and experience. EfD’s Collaborative Programs uniquely foster this kind of highly-applied international collaborative research. These programs also provide opportunities to deploy expertise from numerous centers in the network, greatly broadening the range of expertise available for specific policy challenges. In addition, being a network with similar policy interaction processes at each center, EfD presents opportunities for “copycat policy transfers”; essentially, lessons from one center’s policy interaction can be adapted and applied to analogous situations at other centers.

The development of EfD collaborative programs is governed by the Collaborative Program Committee. You can see the members here

Learn more about our collaborative programs here:

Updated: 3 April 2023