Chegere, Martin J.

Martin J. Chegere is Research Fellow at EfD Tanzania and a lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Dar es Salaam. His research interest includes agricultural economics, development economics, environmental and natural resources economics and behavioral economics.

His current research focuses on Complementarity and Substitutability between Farm and Non-farm Work; the Economics of Post-Harvest Loses; Linkages between Household Food Production, Food Security, Nutrition and Health; and the integration of research with Behavioural Insights. Chegere completed his PhD in Economics from the University of Gothenburg in 2017 an he obtained his M.A. in Economics and B.A. in Economics from the University of Dar es Salaam

Research Areas

  • Agricultural Economics (production, post-harvest loses and food security),
  • Development Economics (child health and development, energy, poverty and welfare),
  • Environmental and Natural resources Economics
  • Behavioral economics

Mentoring (PhD students and masters)

Has supervised Two (2) PhD candidates to completion and is currently supervising five (5) PhD candidates who are at different stages.

Has supervised 17 Master’s students to completion and is currently supervising three (3) PhD candidates who are at different stages.

Grants and Consultancy

  • Principal Investigator: Evaluation of the impact of Rural Energy Supply on Rural Productive Sector, funded by NORAD, Sept June 2021-June 2026
  • Consultant: Rapid assessment of the Economic impact of COVID-19 to the Tourism Sector in Tanzania. Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism, March-April 2020
  • Consultant and Principal Investigator: The Potential Effect of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax on Obesity Prevalence in Tanzania: Oct 2018-Sept 2020, Economic and Social Research Foundation, Funded By IDRC/CRDI
  • Principal Investigator: Impact of Potential Agricultural Marketing Policies on Household Diet, Quality, and Nutrition in Tanzania, October 2018- September 2019; Agriculture and Food Policy Analysis for Nutrition Outcomes in Africa (AfPON Project) funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through African Economic Research Consortium
  • Co-Principal Investigator: An economic assessment of government incentives needed to promote wide scale utilization and local manufacture of hermetic storage technologies; Funded by AGRA Aug 2018-Apr 2019
  • Investigator: Impact of behaviour interventions on fostering voluntary tax compliance among presumptive tax payers, Centre for Behavioral Studies; at the Department of Economics, funded by DFID; Aug 2018- June 2021
  • Team member: Country Environmental Analysis; under Environment for Development Tanzania, World Bank and Swedish Embassy; Funded by SIDA; Apr 2017-Sept 2020

Policy engagement

  • Member: Task force to conduct a Comprehensive Analysis of Agriculture Crop Sector Taxation Structure and Business Environment (Dec 2021-March 2022), Commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture and AGRA
  • Member: Task force to conduct a study on Fostering Better Business Environment in the Agro-processing Sector in Tanzania: Building a Case for Fiscal Incentives in Oil processing, Breweries and Credit guarantee subsectors, Commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture and AGRA
  • Team member: Quick Wins of Tourism (Economic modelling), Commissioned by Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism Jan-Dec 2019
  • Reviewer -Financial Modelling (liquefied natural gas)-Ministry of Finance and Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (2017)

International / national recognition

EfD Capacity Development Committee

Google Scholar account

Curriculum vitae

People | 7 September 2014