UN Expert Group Meeting: Sustainable land management in Africa

Event Information



Ida Hellmark
Event type

This Expert Group Meeting on "Sustainable land management and agricultural practices in Africa: Bridging the gap between research and farmers" takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden, April 16 - 17, 2009. It is co-sponsored by the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs and the Environment for Development Initiative. It is hosted by University of Gothenburg and sponsored by UNDESA and Sida.

This meeting focus on how research can be applied to scale up promising Sustainable Land Management technologies, and in particular on how to institutionalize a link between innovation, evaluation of such innovation, and extension services.

Ideally, the meeting will contribute to national networks were local researchers, such as agricultural research institutes, continuously evaluate sustainable agricultural practices, feed these evaluations into syntheses that can be used to scale up promising technologies and also guide extension services and targeting of interventions.

Link to page with Objectives, Program, Participants, and Presentations

See also UNDESA webpage 

Event | 5 March 2009