Determinants of delay in care seeking among children under five with fever in Dodoma region, central Tanzania: a cross-sectional study

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Early diagnosis and timely treatment of malaria is recognized as a fundamental element to the control of the disease. Although access to health services in Tanzania is improved, still many people seek medical care when it is too late or not at all. This study aimed to determine factors associated with delay in seeking treatment for fever among children under five in Tanzania.


Evaluating the Impact of Improved Maize Varieties on Food Security in Rural Tanzania: Evidence from a Continuous Treatment Approach

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper investigates impact heterogeneity in the adoption of improved maize varieties using data from rural Tanzania. We used a generalized propensity-score matching methodology, complemented with a parametric econometric method to check the robustness of results.
