Access to energy improves households’ food security and children’s nutrition

Submitted by Petra Hansson on


 This brief is based on results from the study Impact of energy access on food security and child nutrition: panel data evidence from rural Ethiopia, EfD Discussion Paper 22-11, June 2022, by Tagel Gebrehiwot and Sied Hassen. 

Energy, Health, Policy Design

Nota macroeconómica 24. La cara étnica de la pandemia en Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

El abandono estatal en comunidades negras e indígenas los pone en especial riesgo durante la pandemia. Los mapas construidos revelan la enorme distancia que tienen a servicios de salud adecuados para casos graves y las cifras desnudan su vulnerabilidad social. Las políticas diferenciales para los pueblos étnicos en Colombia para el manejo de la pandemia son una necesidad urgente. Hospitales con servicio regional en las capitales departamentales y sistemas eficientes de ambulancias fluviales y aéreas para transportar pacientes graves de las comunidades rurales son necesarios.

Cartagena workshop

An actionable research agenda for the Global South is now finalized

60 researchers from EfD and partner organizations have been working intensely for a year and a half to develop a research agenda to support a low-carbon transition and gender equity in the Global…

The morbidity costs of air pollution through the Lens of Health Spending in China

Submitted by Hang Yin on

This study is one of the first to present causal evidence of the morbidity costs of fine particulates (PM2.5) for all age cohorts in a developing country, using individual-level health spending data from a basic medical insurance program in Wuhan, China. Our instrumental variable (IV) approach uses thermal inversion to address potential endogeneity in PM2.5 concentrations and shows that PM2.5 imposes a significant impact on healthcare expenditures.

Air Quality, Health