Rethinking Cholera and Typhoid Vaccination Policies for the Poor: Private Demand in Kolkata, India

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EfD Authors:

The ‘‘old” familiar diseases of cholera and typhoid remain a serious health threat in many developing countries. Health policy analysts often argue that vaccination against cholera and typhoid should be provided free because poor people cannot afford to pay for such vaccines and because vaccination confers positive economic externalities on unvaccinated individuals.

Experiments, Health

Private demand for cholera vaccines in rural Matlab, Bangladesh

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Objectives: To estimate household willingness to pay (WTP) for cholera vaccines in a rural area of Bangladesh, which had participated in a 1985 oral cholera vaccine trial. Methods: A contingent valuation study was undertaken in Matlab, Bangladesh in summer 2005. All respondents (N= 591) received a description of a cholera vaccine that was 50% effective for 3 years and had negligible side effects. Respondents were asked how many vaccines they would purchase for their household at randomly pre-assigned prices.

Experiments, Health

Private Demand for Cholera Vaccines in Hue,Vietnam

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EfD Authors:

Objectives: This study aims to measure the private demand
for oral cholera vaccines in Hue, Vietnam, an area of relatively
low endemicity of cholera, using the contingent valuation
Methods: Interviews were conducted with either the head of
household or spouse in 800 randomly selected households
with children less than 18 years old. Respondents were asked
whether they would purchase an oral cholera vaccine with
different levels of effectiveness and durations of effectiveness

Experiments, Policy Design, Health

A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Typhoid Fever Immunization Programmes in an Indian Urban Slum Community

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EfD Authors:

Many economic analyses of immunization programmes focus on the benefits in terms of public-sector
cost savings, but do not incorporate estimates of the private cost savings that individuals receive from
vaccination. This paper considers the implications of Bahl et al.'s cost-of-illness estimates for typhoid
immunization policy by examining how community-level incidence estimates and information on distribution
of costs of illness among patients and the public-health sector can be used in the economic

Experiments, Policy Design, Health

Private demand for cholera vaccines in Beira, Mozambique

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EfD Authors:

In the summer of 2005, we interviewed 996 randomly selected respondents in Beira, Mozambique concerning their willingness and ability
to pay for cholera vaccine for themselves and for other household members. Respondents were told that two doses of the vaccine would be

Experiments, Policy Design, Health

Household demand for typhoid fever vaccines in Hue, Vietnam

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EfD Authors:

The demand function for vaccines against typhoid fever was estimated using stated preference
data collected from a random sample of 1065 households in Hue, Vietnam, in 2002. These are the first
estimates of private willingness-to-pay (WTP) and demand functions for typhoid vaccines in a
developing country.

Experiments, Policy Design, Health

The marginal values of noise disturbance from air traffic: does the time of the day matter?

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This paper analyzes the marginal willingness to pay for changes in noise levels related to changes in the volume of flight movements at a city airport in Stockholm, Sweden, by using a choice experiment.


Design techniques for stated preference methods in health economics

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This paper discusses different design techniques for stated preference surveys in health economic applications. In particular, we focus on different design techniques, i.e. how to combine the attribute levels into alternatives and choice sets, for choice experiments.

