Understanding the role of personal experiences and contextual variables in shaping risk reduction preferences

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

This article explores how preferences for risk reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic are influenced by personal experiences and contextual variables such as having a close friend or relative who has been infected by the virus (closeness), the severity of the illness (severity), people’s own perceptions of being in a risky group (risk group), change in employment status due to the pandemic (employment situation), and vaccination status (vaccination status&nb

Policy Design

Hydro-economic modeling of the climate change and politics effects in Andean agriculture

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on
EfD Authors:

El cambio climático viene afectando de manera diferenciada a la agricultura, en particular, en la zona andina, dada su alta exposición, sensibilidad y baja capacidad adaptativa. Se evaluó la respuesta adaptativa de la agricultura andina frente a una variación de la disponibilidad hídrica debido al cambio climático en base al modelo hidro-económico que integra dos módulos: el modelamiento hidrológico en base al SWAT y un modelo económico de optimización en base al PMP.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Policy Design, Water

Intrahousehold bargaining power and time allocation for multiple activities

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

During the last decades, important policies have been implemented to incorporate women into the labor market and reduce persistent gender inequalities, trying to balance the time allocation between paid and unpaid work. We assess the Chilean case considering couples' time allocation with explicit consideration of intrahousehold bargaining power (relative wages and education). The Chilean case is interesting because we use the first urban national survey of time use, which could help understand gender differences in labor participation.

Gender, Policy Design, Urban

The efficiency of quinoa production in high Andean areas: the case of Puno- Peru

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on
EfD Authors:

The objective of this research is to evaluate the technical and economic efficiency in the production of quinoa in the Department of Puno, Peru, through the use of the stochastic production function model. To achieve this, face-to-face surveys were applied to 461 producers, who were segmented according to their cultural practice (Quechua and Aymara) and their agroecological zone (Circunlacustre, Suni and Puna). The results indicate that the Aymaras are more efficient than the Quechuas.

Agriculture, Policy Design