Assessing the effect of real estate market and renewable energy on environmental quality in Belgium

Submitted by Agha Inya on
EfD Authors:

AbstractThe current research aims to study the influence of the real estate market and renewable energy on ecological quality in Belgium from 1990 to 2018. The recent study is quite different from the previous empirical literature on environmental quality; it introduces a new discourse on the determinant of environmental quality followed by Belgium's real estate market. This work employed a more robust and advanced econometric technique, that is, the ARDL bootstrap method, to estimate the relationship between the study variables.


Time for Clean Energy? Cleaner Fuels and Women's Time in Home Production

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

n much of the developing world, cooking accounts for the largest share of women's time in home production. Does relying on solid fuels drive this time burden? This study revisits a clean energy information experiment in rural India to assess the time savings' potential of cleaner cooking technologies. Treatment villages were randomly assigned to receive information about negative health effects of cooking with solid fuels and about public subsidies for cleaner liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Time-use data indicate that primary cooks spend almost 24 hours cooking each week.

Energy, Gender

Learning from Unincentivized and Incentivized Communication: A Randomized Controlled Trial in India

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on

Interactions among peers of the same social network play significant roles in facilitating the adoption and diffusion of modern technologies in poor communities. We conduct a large-scale randomized controlled trial in rural India to identify the impact of information from friends on willingness to pay (WTP) for high-quality and multipurpose solar lanterns.
