Permanencia y deserción de estudiantes del programa PEAMA de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Amazonia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

En este trabajo se analiza la incidencia de ciertos factores individuales, académicos y socio-económicos sobre el tiempo de permanencia y deserción de los estudiantes en el Programa Especial de Admisión y Movilidad Académica PEAMA de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Amazonia. Se aplicó la metodología de modelos de duración, con técnicas paramétricas y no-paramétricas.

Policy Design

Does Urbanization Increase Residential Energy Use? Evidence from the Chinese Residential Energy Consumption Survey 2012

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

China’s rapid urbanization and increasing energy use are accompanied by deteriorating environmental quality. Understanding the structure of energy use is necessary to address these environmental effects. We investigate how urbanization affects residential energy use, using data from the Chinese Residential Energy Consumption Survey 2012 (CRECS 2012) to compare the energy consumption of urban and rural households and identify the factors influencing the differences.

Energy, Policy Design, Urban

In Search of Urban Recreational Ecosystem Services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

In sub-Saharan Africa, urban recreational ecosystem services are browning and disappearing despite the global recognition of their importance. We study the availability, preference, and determinants of visitations to urban recreational ecosystem services in Dar es Salaam. The results show that, amongst the functioning and publicly owned recreational ecosystem services, there are botanical gardens and other open green spaces with greenery (e.g., trees, grass, or gardens) and sometimes with basic facilities such as benches.

Conservation, Policy Design, Urban

The effect of subway expansions on vehicle congestion: Evidence from Beijing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Does public transportation reduce vehicle congestion? Using a regression-discontinuity framework, we examine the effect of six subway openings on short-run congestion in Beijing between 2009 and 2015. We find that vehicle congestion drops sharply immediately after new subway openings. In our central specification, each of the subway openings decreased delay times by an average of 15% in the short run over the city of Beijing.
