Effects of More Stringent Sulphur Requirements for Sea Transports

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on
EfD Authors:

In 2008 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided on more stringent requirements from 2015 for airborne emissions of sulphur dioxide from sea transports in the sulphur emission control areas (SECA). The European SECA comprises the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel. The paper contains an overview of the European studies that have been carried out to investigate the impacts of IMO's more stringent sulphur requirements. All studies were carried out after IMO's decision in 2008 (which means that the decision was taken based on other reasons).

Conservation, Policy Design

Measures for reduced CO2-emissions from freight transport in the Nordic countries

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on
EfD Authors:

Although there is an international obligation to reduce GHG from the transport sector by 2030, it appears that emissions, especially from heavy transport, continue to increase. In a project financed by NORDEN (Nordic Council of Ministers), measures for CO2-emissions from freight transport in the Nordic region, with emphasis on road transport, will be reviewed.

Climate Change, Urban

Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on
EfD Authors:

The project - Sustainable Nordic Cities with Focus on Climate-Smart Mobility - aims to contribute to sustainable urban development by supporting the transition to fossil-free transport and accessibility in Nordic cities and urban regions. The potential to organise the Nordic society to be more transport-efficient is significant, and the remaining transports must become increasingly fossil-free.

Climate Change, Urban

The motivation for corporate energy strategies on energy efficiency among Kenyan firms

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:



This study aims to investigate the drivers for adopting energy efficiency practices within an emerging market context.


Drawing on the shared value theoretical perspective, this study investigates the corporate strategy approaches toward energy efficiency in firms. This paper draws from a sample of 852 Kenyan firms from 14 sectors. This study’s analysis is based on an ordered probit model.


Climate Change, Energy