Water demand in the Chilean manufacturing industry: Analysis of the economic value of water and demand elasticities

Submitted by César Salazar on

In this article, we estimate both the economic value of water and own-price and cross-price elasticities of water for the Chilean manufacturing industry using the production function approach. Estimating the production function allows us to estimate the marginal productivity of water which corresponds to its economic value. Our estimations are based on panel data obtained from the National Industrial Survey for the period 1995–2014, accounting for more than 10,000 industrial plants.

Climate Change, Conservation, Policy Design, Water

The role of climate variability in convergence of residential water consumption across Chilean localities

Submitted by César Salazar on

This paper analyses the existence of convergence in residential water consumption across geographical regions using econometric methods taken from the economic growth literature and a panel of water consumption of 348 Chilean localities from 2010 to 2015. Convergence was found, and the main causes were factors related to economic and climate variables.


Rainwater harvesting practices and attitudes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Access to safe drinking water is limited in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) at household level is among the primary sources of drinking water in the region and is widely practiced throughout Southeast Asia. It has recently been increasingly advocated as an alternative or supplemental approach to household water supply. However, relatively little research has been done on current RWH practices and attitudes. We interviewed residents of 619 households in three provinces to understand the current practice of and preferences for rainwater harvesting.


Decision-Making for Systemic Water Risks: Insights From a Participatory Risk Assessment Process in Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Systemic threats to food‐energy‐environment‐water systems require national policy responses. Yet complete control of these complex systems is impossible and attempts to mitigate systemic risks can generate unexpected feedback effects. Perverse outcomes from national policy can emerge from the diverse responses of decision‐makers across different levels and scales of resource governance.


The Water Governance Reform Framework: Overview and Applications to Australia, Mexico, Tanzania, U.S.A and Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

The world faces critical water risks in relation to water availability, yet water demand is increasing in most countries. To respond to these risks, some governments and water authorities are reforming their governance frameworks to achieve convergence between water supply and demand and ensure freshwater ecosystem services are sustained.


The impact of solar water pumps on energy-water-food nexus: Evidence from Rajasthan, India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

This paper seeks to identify the causal impact of solar water pumps on the consumption of water, electricity and diesel as well as the gross cropped area under fruits and vegetables and profits of farmers. We use the difference-in-differences approach with a sample of 414 rural farmers from six districts of Rajasthan for this purpose.


Ensuring Water Availability to Water Users through Incentive Payment for Ecosystem Services Scheme: A Case Study in a Small Hilly Town of Nepal

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

This study was carried out to design an incentive payment for an ecosystem services (IPES) scheme in the Baitadi Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project of Nepal. The main intention behind the designing of the scheme was to develop strategy for equitable use of water resources and involve communities, watershed and water user, in the sustainable management of water resources. We administered household survey in both the watershed community and water users to elicit their preferences regarding water source management and drinking water supply.
