The informal sawn wood value chains in Uganda: structure and actors

Submitted by Jane Anyango on
EfD Authors:

With increasing scarcity and spatial dispersion of tree resources, Uganda's forest sector – similarly to several other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – has experienced a shift from the large-scale concessionary model historically used to access and harvest forests, to more
versatile models involving smaller-scale operators. The timber they produce is sold not only locally in producer countries but also across borders and beyond. Yet small-scale operators largely work outside established regulatory frameworks and as such remain invisible to national and international

Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Fisheries, Forestry

Effects of four organic amendments on soil physiochemical properties and yield of maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) intercrop in Awka, southeastern Nigeria

Submitted by Agha Inya on

Effects of four organic amendments on some soil physical and chemical properties were investigated in Awka, Anambra State in southeastern Nigeria. Over the years, use of synthetic materials in crop production has been a common practice globally. The attendant detrimental effects of the chemicals used in the formulation of these synthetics on animal and human health as well as the environment has made researchers to look out for a better agronomic practice that would not only improve productivity but at the same time sustain a healthy environment.


Who profits from agroecology to secure food and nutrition? On access of women to markets and assets

Submitted by Agha Inya on
EfD Authors:

In contrast to a large body of literature linking agroecology to food security through sustainable agronomic practices, research on how agroecology enhances smallholder farmers’ access to productive resources, yet necessary for food security and nutrition, is sparse in Africa. Literature does not consider the fact that agroecology practices are often adopted via entering a group that provides corresponding knowledge, network and possibly markets. We investigate the case of an agroecology group operating parallel to the dominant agri-industrial food system in Southeast Nigeria.

Agriculture, Health