An integrated assessment of vulnerability to floods using composite index – A district level analysis for Bihar, India.

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

Vulnerability assessment using composite indices provides critical information for the policymakers on why certain regions are impacted more than the others. Several researchers have assessed the vulnerability to hazard in diverse spatial and environmental settings, however, not many studies have assessed the vulnerability to flood hazards in Bihar, where flooding is a perennial event.

Climate Change

Higher Education and Prosperity: From Catholic Missionaries to Luminosity in India

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

This article estimates the impact of completed higher education on economic prosperity across Indian districts. To address the endogeneity of higher education, we use the location of Catholic missionaries circa 1911 as an instrument. Catholics constitute a very small share of the population in India and their influence beyond higher education has been limited. Our instrumental variable results find a positive effect of higher education on development, as measured by light density.


Encouraging urban households to segregate the waste they generate: Insights from a field experiment in Delhi, India.

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

Despite the Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM), 2016 stating that waste generators should segregate their waste before it is collected; most households in Delhi continue to be non-compliant. We conduct a study in 15 localities of Delhi to understand whether information, norms and economic incentive would have an effect on households’ compliance to rules. The study uses field experiments to elicit the impact of the interventions. We find that even low cost interventions such as information on segregation and its benefits are effective in changing household waste segregation behaviour.

Experiments, Waste

Farmers’ choice of market channels and producer prices in India: Role of transportation and communication networks

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

This paper assesses the effect of transportation and communication networks on farmers’ choice of market channels for paddy and wheat, and subsequently on the prices they receive from these channels. It is found that smallholder farmers sell more to informal channels i.e. local traders and input dealers, and typically receive lower prices from them compared to the government-set minimum support prices (MSP). The prices realized from the sales in regulated markets are also less than the MSP despite these being claimed to be more transparent in price discovery.


Editorial Introduction to Special Issue on “Gender, Family and Development"

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

This special issue on gender comprises articles from four different country settings: Sierra Leone, Senegal, Bangladesh, and Albania. Each uses large secondary data sets to explore how changing market and institutional environments affect gender attitudes and outcomes. In spite of the many historical and contemporary differences in these four economies, we see common difficulties in achieving gender equality.

Experiments, Gender

Valuing Cultural Services of the Kailash Sacred Landscape for Sustainable Management

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

Hindu Kush Himalaya is home to many cultural and religious sites. The literature on the valuation of cultural sites in the mountain terrains is thin. Hence, their development and sustainability are often ignored. Using primary survey data from three different sites in the Kailash Sacred Landscape of India and Nepal, the cultural value of religious sites to the visitors and households living in the surrounding areas was estimated using a modified travel cost method.


Forest dependence and poverty in the Himalayas—Differences between India and Nepal

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

In the remote Himalayan districts of Pithoragarh, India and Baitadi, Nepal, households are dependent on agriculture and forests for their livelihood. In this paper, we examine poverty–forest linkages by examining data from a survey of 652 households from these districts, who live on either side of the Mahakali River. Per capita income in Nepal is half of that in India. Yet, in the Himalayas, where households live in a similar geographic terrain, we find that households in Nepal are much better off in terms of assets and income relative to their Indian counterparts.

Experiments, Policy Design

Transaction Costs in Irrigation Management in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

This is the first study that records the quantum of transaction costs in Nepal’s Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) and analyzes the factors influencing them. The paper further examines the impact of transaction costs on irrigation management and agricultural productivity in Nepal. A field survey in the Kathmandu valley, reveals that the main constituent of transaction costs is time spent on waiting, watching and negotiating (WWN) which amount to 90% of the ex-post transaction costs and 81% of the total transaction costs.


Are renewable energy subsidies in Nepal reaching the poor?

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

The Government of Nepal has been providing subsidies to promote biogas technology since the 1970s and Solar Home Systems (SHS) since the 1990s. This study uses nationally representative survey data to examine the extent to which these subsidies benefitted the rural poor.
