Displaying 701 - 710 of 3669 publications

The business model as Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) is one type of model which has been used for providing sustainable electricity in off-grid regions, especially in African countries. There is a need for...

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

In Vietnam, most households that are allotted rights to mangrove forests are allowed to convert forestland into surface water to build mixed mangrove-shrimp farming systems. One result has been…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

In Uganda, potato is primarily grown as a cash crop and smallholder farmers sell majority of their produce immediately after harvest. Only a few farmers store ware potato for later sale using various...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract The water purification functions of forests represent one of the most frequently invoked examples of nonmarket ecosystem services that are economically valuable. This study quantifies the…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Abstract Examining fisheries derived income and inequality from regional trade integration is a fundamental step in improving fishing community’s economic benefit. However, detailed analysis remains…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

There is concern about probable energy efficiency and economic performance trade-off, particularly in developing countries which often require more energy consumption to spur their economies. This…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Abstract The study aims to examine the factors that affect smallholder rice farmers’ market orientation tendencies, market participation decision and the extent of rice marketing. A total sample of…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (PPN) are small wire-like multicellular soil-inhabiting living organisms. A great proportion of these PPN are capable of causing enormous destruction to almost all cultivated...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Abstract This paper explores the bilateral trade relations between Tanzania and China by examining the trend, intensity, and the determinants of the Tanzania exports to China from 1988 to 2018. It…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

By Moritz A. Drupp, Frikk Nesje and Robert C. Schmidt.

| Other Publications |