Displaying 11 - 20 of 357 publications
Abstract Globally, illegal practices in forest regions are a major concern due to its severe negative social environmental and economic impacts. The study assessed the perception of forest…
| Peer Reviewed | NigeriaAbstract The need to recognise plural values and integrate these into policy design has long been of interest in nature conservation. However, we also need to understand whether and how different…
| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria
The present thirty-one percent of overall forest cover is not enough to conserve biological diversity globally and so the need to conserve the last global forests (Powlen et al., 2021). Kenya has...
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaUsing an extended full-cycle carbon model from the Faustmann framework, which allows for management strategies of several uses concurrently implemented in the same area of forest, this paper…
| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam
We evaluate whether floods and landslides are more likely when rain falls inside versus outside protected areas (PAs).
| Peer Reviewed | Central AmericaAbstract Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is based on a rational planning process for forest supply and norms and regulations for the protection and sustainability of natural forests. In Colombia…
| EfD Discussion Paper | Colombia
Are the forest conservation practices sustained after Payment for Environmental Services (PES) programmes end? Using a sample of 268 (former) PES recipients and non-recipients from the Budongo-Bugoma...
| Peer Reviewed | Uganda
Despite the potential for forest resources to act as a less costly shock-coping strategy for rural households, evidence of the nexus between access to forest resources and the nature of coping...
| Peer Reviewed | Uganda| Peer Reviewed | Uganda
Central and South America (CSA) are highly exposed, vulnerable, and strongly impacted by climate change, a situation amplified by inequality, poverty, population growth and high population density...
| Book Chapter | Central America