Displaying 831 - 840 of 3669 publications

Mangroves help in building coastal resilience as effective natural safeguards against cyclones. The state of Odisha is the most cyclone prone region in the east coast of India and was endowed with…

| Book Chapter | India

As cities in Nepal grow fast in an unplanned manner, low-lying areas face the risk of flooding and waterlogging exacerbated by the impact of climate change events such as excessive rainfall. The…

| Book Chapter | India

Market trends in many developing countries indicate that selling agricultural produce to itinerant traders at the farmgate has been rising, despite criticism that the practice preys on and exploits…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

The results of this research study serve as a cautionary piece of evidence for policy makers interested in reducing electricity consumption during peak hours, which can be potentially achieved with...

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

The chapter by Shoibal Chakravarty and E. Somonathan focuses on coal, which accounts for a whopping 64% of India’s CO2 emissions in 2021. Since coal combustion also releases other deadly pollutants…

| Book Chapter | India

Abstract Increasing demand for tropical hardwood and logging bans for natural teak forests have led to expanding teak plantations. Forest growth factors, briefly summarized in this chapter, may guide…

| Book Chapter | Colombia

Because the main modes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiration and contact, WHO recommends frequent washing of hands with soap under running water for at least 20 s. This article…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Three billion people around the world lack access to affordable and reliable clean cooking energy. The case for clean energy has largely been built around health and or environmental benefits…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract Using a spatially explicit framework with low/middle-income country coastal characteristics, we explore whether aspatial policies augment the impact of marine protected areas (MPAs) and…

| Peer Reviewed |

Using a spatially explicit framework with low/middle-income country coastal characteristics, we explore whether aspatial policies augment the impact of marine protected areas(MPAs)and identify when…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America