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Displaying 1441 - 1450 of 2384 publications

The transport sector contributes to climate change, and it has been the target of public interventions to improve quality of life and reduce CO2 emissions. The Medellin metropolitan area (Colombia)…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Deregulation in electricity markets has changed the conditions for maintaining long-term adequacy of supply. Particularly in the last decade, security of supply has become a major issue for…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

A number of mechanisms have been suggested for capacity adequacy. A study using laboratory experiments both of procurement of long-term strategic reserve contracting and of centralized auctioning for…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

The intense debate on the effectiveness of the war on drugs contrasts with the scarce quantitative evidence on its impacts on drug cultivation decisions by individual producers. Using panel data from…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

In this paper we analyze how new actors, interests, and resources become salient to food system governance and how the domain of food system governance transforms as a result. Specifically, we focus…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Most research in queuing has focused on the optimisation of performance and equilibrium analysis, with little attention to the understanding of how managers actually make decisions. In this paper, we…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Smallholder agricultural systems, strongly dependent on water resources and investments in shared infrastructure, make a significant contribution to food security in developing countries. These…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

In the tropics, some agricultural lands are abandoned for economic or technical reasons, leading to the recovery of woody vegetation. Our research aimed to identify the main drivers of spontaneous…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Small hydropower (SHP) has existed for more than a century in Colombia, and is gaining reserved interest as an option to mitigating climate change. In this paper we investigate the prospects for SHP…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Mining represents an important economic sector in almost all countries, especially the developing ones. The planning in this area is complex due to the interaction between different aspects like…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia