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Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 2515 publications

This paper empirically examines the intergenerational mobility of earnings and income in Vietnam using the two‐sample two‐stage least squares estimation. The baseline intergenerational elasticity…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

We take stock of the lessons learned from using market-based instruments in chemicals management and discuss the potential for increased use of risk-based taxation in the management of pesticides and…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

We take stock of the lessons learned from using market-based instruments in chemicals management and discuss the potential for increased use of risk-based taxation in the management of pesticides and…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

Objective: To investigate gender discrimination in access to healthcare and its relationship with the patient’s age and distance from the healthcare facility.Design and settingAn observational study…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Colombia has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 20% by 2030 with respect to business-as-usual in the COP21. One policy is the Renewable Energy (RE) law launched in 2014, aiming “to…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

There has been a growing interest in biofuel production to reduce oil dependence in the transportation sector. However, this has also sparked a debate on how the introduction of biofuels may…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Literature in the vulnerability of socio-ecological systems has highlighted the need for considering Social Perception of Risk (SPR) as a determinant of social vulnerability. This paper combines…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

This paper analyses the existence of convergence in residential water consumption across geographical regions using econometric methods taken from the economic growth literature and a panel of water…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

This paper studies the role of middlemen in open-access fisheries and how the organization of the supply chains affects resource exploitation and the level and distribution of economic rent. Imperfect…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam