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Displaying 11 - 20 of 126 publications

We investigate the role of the productive safety net program (PSNP) and its modes of benefit transfer in vulnerability to nutritional outcomes in rural households of Ethiopia. We model a panel...

| Other Publications | Ethiopia

By Moritz A. Drupp, Frikk Nesje and Robert C. Schmidt.

| Other Publications |

Abstract Apart from having amongst the highest rates of unemployment and inequality in the world, South Africa is also a highly emissions-intensive economy. This paper examines the key drivers of the…

| Other Publications |

La guía busca difundir el enfoque de economía circular y proveer, tanto a los gobiernos locales de Costa Rica, como a otros actores del ámbito local, las pautas sobre cómo materializar su interés de...

| Other Publications | Central America

The purpose of this manual is to guide technicians, specially those who are working as extensionists with small and medium scale farms, through the process of supporting the implementation of the...

| Other Publications | Central America

Using identical surveys a decade apart, we examine how attitudes and willingness to pay (WTP) for climate policies have changed in the United States, China, and Sweden. All three countries exhibit an…

| Other Publications | China, Sweden

Using Bogota’s system of socioeconomic division, the “strata”, we show that falling ill with a serious case of COVID has been over eight times more likely for an individual in the lowest stratum…

| Other Publications | Colombia

The purpose of this manual is to guide technicians, specially those who are working as extensionists with small and medium scale farms, through the process of supporting the implementation of the...

| Other Publications | Central America