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Displaying 1 - 10 of 411 publications

Large Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) is a successful tool for forecasting macroeconomic variables, but the benefits to predict crude oil prices are rarely discussed. In this paper, we test the…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Access to electricity has been linked to economic growth through improved agricultural and firm productivity, public service delivery, enhanced household investment in human capital, and increased net…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract Studies document that micro and small enterprises are growing rapidly in Ethiopia. The industrial sector consumes a large proportion of electricity in the country. The growing number of micro…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

Vietnam’s electricity consumption relative to its average national income per capita is significantly higher than that of similar countries like India or China. Current electricity use is not…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Abstract Renewable energy can yield social benefits through local air quality improvements and their subsequent effects on human health. We estimate some of these benefits using data gathered during…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract The complex and diffuse nature of the human dimension makes it difficult to identify and integrate into energy modelling. The human dimension concept in energy modelling has resulted in a…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract There is a tendency to approach multiple fuel use mainly as a problem. This has limited how it is understood and addressed. This article uses a mixed-methods approach to advance…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Abstract This study examines the macroeconomic determinants of renewable energy consumption in Tanzania using time-series data from 1990 to 2020. The augmented Dickey-Fuller and Zivot Andrews are…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The Asia-Pacific region is emerging as central to the deployment of offshore wind power. Large scale offshore wind involves complex governance challenges, and governments can choose to centralize and…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

The phase-out of unabated coal power is crucial for meeting climate agreements in coal-dependent economies such as Indonesia and Vietnam. Despite both countries committing to the 2021 Global Coal to…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam