Displaying 2061 - 2070 of 3816 publications
Why do many smallholder farmers fail to adopt what appear to be relatively simple agronomic or management practices which can help them cope with climate-induced stressors? Using household and plot…
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaDescription Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is exceptionally biodiverse. It contains about half of the world’s remaining tropical forests, nearly one-fifth of its coastal habitats, and…
| Books, EfD/RFF Book |Good Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices are indispensable for maintaining quality environment and the health of urban dwellers in most developing countries, like Ethiopia. However, for successful…
| Peer Reviewed | EthiopiaWe analyze if poorest people in rural localities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile have benefited in terms of poverty alleviation with salmon farms establishment within 1992-2002 period. In order to…
| Thesis MSC | ChileEste documento presenta los resultados del análisis cualitativo sobre la concepción de bienestar y los cambios en satisfacción de vida, aspiraciones y expectativas en los participantes del programa…
| Other Publications | ColombiaLa adopción de una nueva política minera en 2001 junto con el drástico incremento de los precios internacionales de oro desde ese mismo año ha motivado la expansión de la minería aurífera (formal e…
| Other Publications | ColombiaMost models of social preferences and bounded rationality that are effective in explaining efficiency-increasing departures from equilibrium behavior cannot easily account for similar deviations when…
| Other Publications | ColombiaProduciendo por Mi Futuro (PxMF) es una intervención de alivio a la pobreza, implementada en Colombia por Prosperidad Social, que tiene como sustento los programas de graduación desarrollados…
| Other Publications | ColombiaAdaptation Plan for the energy sector: participative methods for developing countries
| Other Publications | ColombiaGoal 2017: Global shrimp production review and forecast
| Other Publications | Colombia