Displaying 81 - 90 of 104 publications

This paper analyzes the welfare effects of improved health status through increased water quality using a choice experiment. The survey was administered to a random sample of households in…

6 May 2004 | Discussion Paper | Sweden

Using a contingent valuation survey, people’s willingness to pay for a given risk reduction is found to be much larger, consistently more than two times as large, when traveling by air compared to by…

1 March 2004 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The interest for wetlands is increasing, not only because of the possibility of a cost-efficient uptake of nutrients, but also because wetlands can be designed to provide other services. What values…

1 November 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Social inequality aversion is measured through a veil-of-ignorance experiment with Indian students. The median relative risk aversion is found to be quite high, about 3, and independent caste. Co…

20 October 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The main objective of thus study is to contribute to the design of policies dealing with the problems of congestion and air pollution in the urban context of a typical developing country. In this…

1 October 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

This paper discusses different design techniques for stated preference surveys in health economic applications. In particular, we focus on different design techniques, i.e. how to combine the…

1 April 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Choice experiments are becoming ever more frequently applied to the valuation of non-market goods. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed description of the steps involved in a choice…

1 March 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

This paper undertakes a social cost-benefit analysis regarding an increase in the number of electric vehicles in the Swedish transport sector by year 2010. Battery cars are generally found to be…

1 January 2003 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

We explore the possibilities of using incentive-based environmental regulations of CO2 emissions from international civil aviation. In theory incentive-based instruments such as an emission charge or…

1 November 2002 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Individuals' aversion to risk and inequality, and their concern for relative standing, are measured through experimental choices between hypothetical societies. It is found that, on average…

1 April 2002 | Peer Reviewed | Sweden