Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities

Peer Reviewed
31 July 2010

Jianjun Jin, Anabeth Indab, Orapan Nabangchang, Truong Dang Thuy, Dieldre Harder, Rodelio F. Subade

The prime objective of this paper is to estimate from a cross-country perspective the willingness to pay for marine turtle conservation using the contingent valuation method. A secondary objective is to investigate two methodological issues about contingent valuation study: scope effect and payment vehicle effect. Using a uniform survey instrument and protocol, a sample of 3680 respondents from Beijing (China), Davao City (Philippines), Bangkok (Thailand) and Ho Chi Minh/Hanoi (Vietnam) were interviewed. Results indicate that the respondents in all cities have a positive willingness to pay for marine turtle conservation. The type of scope effect and payment vehicle effect considered did not seem to be significant in Beijing, Davao City and Bangkok. But some evidence show that there are scope effect and payment vehicle effect in Ho Chi Minh/Hanoi sample. Our study offers practical insights into Asian household preferences for marine turtle conservation.


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Publication reference
Jin, J., Indab, A., Nabangchang, O., Thuy, T. D., Harder, D., & Subade, R. F. (2010). Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities. Ecological Economics, 69(10), 2020–2026. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.05.018
Publication | 1 May 2020