Protection of Quality Products with Geographical Indication in Tanzania

Policy Brief
1 January 2019

John, Innocensia, Lokina, Razack, Egelyng, Henrik

The Tanzanian component of the VALOR Project (2014-2018) studied quality factors, traits and conditions with potential to increase value of agricultural products in Tanzania through Geographical Indication (GI) protection, by recognizing territory specific (origin) products stewarded by smallholder. This policy brief summarises the key findings on policy option flowing from the research.

In Tanzania, the VALOR project covered five products namely, rice from Kyela-Mbeya; cloves from Zanzibar; and coffee, Aloe Vera and sugar from the plains below Mt. Kilimanjaro.Findings suggest that producers of those crops may be able to sell quality products with a ´taste of place´ approach i.e. labelled with geographical indications, at higher prices. More than 82% of respondents interviewed believed that their products had unique attributes compared to similar products from elsewhere.


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Publication reference
John, Innocensia, Lokina, Razack and Egelyng, Henrik (2019)"Protection of Quality Products with Geographical Indication in Tanzania
Publication | 31 October 2019