Payments for Ecosystem Services: Measurements with Impacts


A promising concept that has received considerable attention, Payment-for-ecosystems- services has the potential to become a conventional environmental management tool.

Forests and farms supply a wide array of valuable ecosystem services including sequestering carbon, harboring biodiversity, and preventing soil erosion. Yet forest and farm managers rarely, if ever, receive a financial reward for these services. As a result, from society’s perspective, they may be too quick to clear trees and engage other activities that disrupt ecosystem benefits. An increasingly popular approach to this problem is to pay land managers for the ecosystem services their parcels provide. Payment-for-ecosystem-services (PES) programs have been established in a number of places around the globe, and they function at a variety of geographic scales. Emerging markets for carbon sequestration credits constitute an international program; national forest conservation programs are operating in Australia, Costa Rica, and Mexico; and the World Bank, among others, has piloted watershed-level initiatives in a several countries.

Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
Alpízar F., A. Blackman, and A. Pfaff. 2007. "Payments for Ecological Services: Measurements with Impacts". Resources 165 Spring: 20-22.
Publication | 19 February 2008