Fisheries performance in Africa: An analysis based on data from 14 countries

Peer Reviewed
1 March 2021

Marine Policy


  • Most African fisheries operate under governance systems with open access incentives.
  • African fisheries are scoring lower than the global averages in the three sustainability pillars.
  • The largest performance gaps between African fisheries

The Fishery Performance Indicators is a data collection tool that allows collection of comparable fisheries data in the environmental, economic and community pillars even under data poor circumstances. In this paper, data collected for 35 fisheries in 14 African countries are analyzed and compared to global averages. Similar to a previous global analysis, the different pillars of sustainability were positively correlated. The results are even more pronounced for Africa than globally. The only exception is the relationship between environment and community pillars in Africa, which is statistically insignificant, and this is also the case for open access fisheries globally. The average scores in Africa are lower than global average scores in all dimensions, which is not unexpected given the high number of open access fisheries. However, factors that are not fisheries specific may be more important for this result, suggesting that a country’s governance, economic conditions, and development status are important for fisheries performance.

EfD Authors
Publication reference
Akpalu W. (with Garlock et al.) (2021). Fisheries Performance in Africa: An analysis based on data from 14 countries, Marine Policy.  125, 104263
Publication | 24 May 2021