EfD- CA Center Director Francisco Alpízar release an opinion article on the commercialization of shark fins from Costa Rica

Other Publications
1 January 2015

Center director Francisco Alpízar and Chairman of the Board of the association “Forever Costa Rica”  released an opinion article titled: “The sharks, the finning and the public interest”.

On March 2015, the Costa Rican government issued a permit to export 1,200 kilos of hammerhead shark fins. The authorization was given by the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), based on apparent technical support from Costa Rican Fisheries Institute (Incopesca).

The hammerhead shark is an endangered species and many environmental groups are against this authorization.

Our center director Francisco Alpízar and Chairman of the Board of the association “Forever Costa Rica” released an opinion article title: “The sharks, the finning and the public interest”.

Alpizar stated that:  “The sale of shark fins is not the way for the development of fishing communities in our country. On the contrary, it is detrimental to these population and damages the image of Costa Rica as a loving nature nation”.  He out spoke his opinion on rejecting any attempt to commercialize shark fins in Costa Rica, regardless of where or when they have been fished, and whatever their destination is.

To see the article in Spanish please click here.

Publication | 22 February 2016