EfD Annual report 2014/15

1 January 2015

The EfD Report 2014/15  gives you an excellent overview of the EfD centres´ achievements during 2014 and ongoing work during 2015. Ranging from interesting policy stories on how economic research is put to use around the world to collaborative research programs, a wide range of publications, and our academic capacity building program. 

2014 was an eventful year for EfD. The year started with a program evaluation. The distinguished international evaluation team concluded that EfD showed an impressive rate of return from investing in human capital, including a considerable level of research output for the level of investment, good research quality, and evidence of impact on public policies and sustainable development.

In all cases, the EfD centers have contributed to domestic academic capacity by enhancing the environmental economics research and teaching capacities available, according to the evaluation team. Not surprisingly, the evaluation recommended that Sida and other donors keep investing in the program.

Publication | 30 June 2015