Análisis Cualitativo de Sinergias entre Estrategias de Protección Social y de Desarrollo Productivo: El Papel de la Estrategia Unidos y Familias en Acción en el Marco del Programa Familias en su Tierra (Qualitative Analysis of Synergies Between Social Pro

Discussion Paper
1 January 2019

English Abstract: This document presents the qualitative analysis of complementarities and synergies between the social protection programs Estrategia Unidos and Familias en Acción, and the productive inclusion program, Familias en Su Tierra, all of them designed and implemented in Colombia by Prosperidad Social. This study is part of the “Improving articulation between rural development and social protection programs” project, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The analysis was conducted using 43 semi-structured interviews with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of these programs in two of the country's regions: Montes de María and Uraba Antioqueño. The results offer information about the different mechanisms through which the programs reach their objectives, as well as the channels that might allow the creation of complementarities or synergies between social protection and productive inclusion interventions. Qualitative results also complement and offer explanations for the results of the quantitative analysis.


Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.

Publication | 29 February 2020