The SDG 8 Initiative

The International Association of Universities (IAU) has initiated coordination of academic capacity to help fulfill the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, formulated in Agenda 2030.

IAU has involved 16 universities around the world, to lead a specific SDG each. The University of Gothenburg has committed to lead and coordinate activities related to SDG 8. Learn more about the IAU and the participating universities.

The SDG 8 Initiative involves several faculties and centers within the University of Gothenburg, including EfD’s Global Hub, and “satellite universities” around the world, that happen to be the academic hosts of EfD’s centers in Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.

SDG 8 is a broad goal that includes sustainable, inclusive, economic growth, sustainable tourism, green innovation, employment for all, and decent working conditions, etc. The goal of the SDG 8 Initiative is to engage and support a global community of researchers and practitioners in transdisciplinary research and policy interaction that focus on solutions to growth- and work-related challenges for the attainment of SDG 8.

The SDG 8 Initiative contributes with research and education that provides knowledge and solutions related to SDG 8, it builds a network of researchers and practitioners around the world, and it strengthens the interaction between researchers and policymakers.

EfD has had a key role in the SDG 8 Initiative from the start, because of its focus on environment and sustainable development – both of them central elements within SDG 8 – and by providing a network of universities to the Initiative in other parts of the world, especially in the Global South. The possibility to join the Initiative was passed on through the EfD centers and eight host universities have joined the Initiative as so-called satellite universities.

Updated: 7 June 2021